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Comprehensive Exams

A comprehensive examination should be performed on every new patient. It is also recommended for existing patients, every 3-5 years as well for those who are undergoing major dental work such as dental implants and dentures.

Whilst an average dental checkup only focuses on examining the teeth and gums for tooth decay and changes in dental health and lasts no more than 20 minutes, a comprehensive exam can take over an hour as Dr. Sims examines and checks every aspect of your oral health.

Full periodontal exam
Tooth by tooth exam
Full examination of the head, throat and mouth
Occlusal exam (an analysis of your bite)
TMJ exam
Full dental X-rays
Salivary function exam
Esthetic exam

Once the comprehensive exam has been completed, Dr. Sims will have a thorough understanding of your oral health. He will then share any significant findings with you and devise a treatment plan based on your urgent and long-term oral health needs.

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Willows Family Dental
202 - 2590 Cadboro Bay Road
Victoria, BC. V8R 5J2

Phone: (250) 704 -1137
Email: dr.sims@shawcable.com