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Teeth Whitening

Over time, our teeth can get stained for a number of reasons. Lifestyle choices such as consumption of coffee and wine, tobacco use, aging and even poor oral hygiene can result in stained teeth. Professional teeth whitening can help you improve your smile without having to resort to drastic measures.

We advocate the safest and most effective way of whitening your teeth. From the special impression we make custom trays for you. We then instruct you how to use the strong whitening agent in the trays in the comfort of your own home at your own pace.

Maintaining Your Pearly Whites

After you have achieved your desired results, you need to take steps to avoid staining them.

  • Avoid chewing or smoking products that contain nicotine.
  • Reduce your intake of red wine, tea or coffee.
  • Avoid eating dark coloured foods including sauces and berries.
  • Always swish water in your mouth after you drink and eat.

Proper oral hygiene will go a long way to keep your teeth stain-free.

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Willows Family Dental
202 - 2590 Cadboro Bay Road
Victoria, BC. V8R 5J2

Phone: (250) 704 -1137
Email: dr.sims@shawcable.com