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Mouth Guards are designed to safeguard the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth during physical activity. Sports like hockey, football, soccer, and basketball put the player’s teeth at risk of trauma which is why it’s highly recommended that individuals who engage in such activities should wear a mouthguard.


Another type of mouth guard known as the night guard is specially designed for wear at night when the patient goes to bed. It is recommended for those who tend to grind or clench their teeth when they sleep. It is also used in patients as part of their TMJ treatment plan as it can alleviate its symptoms and protect the teeth from damage.

There are mouth guards that you can purchase over the counter, however, these offer very little protection and are very uncomfortable to wear. Custom mouth guards which you can get from Dr.Sims are comfortable, lightweight, effective and will fit you perfectly.

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Willows Family Dental
202 - 2590 Cadboro Bay Road
Victoria, BC. V8R 5J2

Phone: (250) 704 -1137
Email: dr.sims@shawcable.com